The Modern Luminary Unedited With Renee Dawn
What’s up everyone! Welcome to The Modern Luminary Podcast UNEDITED With Renee Dawn. Yup, you heard that right. I don’t and won’t edit my podcasts. You’re always going to get the real, raw and unedited versions of me. I’m really happy that you’re here. You’ll find a home here if you’re comfortable with the uncomfortable. And if you’re up to listening to discussions about my life, my body, relationships, cults, drugs, astrology, religion, sex and a million other things. I’m brutally honest. I share what others aren’t willing to share and I look at life differently because I don’t believe in rules. I’ve always made my own. I’m finally ready to talk about me and my life so buckle up because I can guarantee you it’s going to get a little wild here. I’m going to cover the good, the bad and the ugly about things that really matter to me. And trust me, I’ll never hold back. Oh and if you can’t handle some fucks here and there this podcast will not be for you. Because I believe that life definitely deserves some fucks. So, shall we get started?

Thursday Mar 20, 2025
Thursday Mar 20, 2025
You are standing at the threshold of something greater. The version of you that has always existed—the powerful, limitless, and fully realized self—is ready to take the lead. But to step forward, you must first release. Release the weight of what could have been. Release the stories that no longer define you. Release the grip of past mistakes, expectations, and the illusion of control. This is the moment to surrender, to let go, and to trust that what awaits is far beyond what you’ve ever imagined. Because it is. And the time is now.
In this episode, we dive deep into the massive shifts of March 2025—a month that is requiring us to shed the past and step into our highest potential. Life is not working against us; it is guiding us, supporting us, and clearing the path for us to rise. But can we see it that way?
Shifting Into the Observer – The Untethered Soul in ActionWe explore The Untethered Soul and what it means to sit in the observer seat—watching challenges unfold, but no longer attaching to them. What if the very things that trigger us are actually portals to deeper freedom? What if life isn’t here to test us, but to liberate us? This conversation is about perspective shifts that change everything.
A Powerful Ritual to Release & ExpandI also share a transformational ritual designed to help you release the old and embody the infinite version of yourself. This is the moment to clear space, activate your power, and open yourself fully to the higher version of yourself that’s calling you forward.
The Ancient Power You Hold – The Crystal of This EpisodeFinally, we journey into the frequency of Lapis Lazuli— the stone of wisdom, truth, and divine power. I let its energy fully move through me in this episode, channeling insights on stepping into your power, speaking with clarity, and allowing yourself to be fully seen. Lapis is a gateway to ancient knowing, a mirror to your highest self, and a reminder that your voice carries weight, resonance, and magic. This is an invitation to remember who you are—and to claim it fully.
🔥 It’s time. You are ready. Let’s step through the threshold together.
🎧 Listen now & let the transformation begin.
Reach out anytime @
I love you,
Renee Dawn

Monday Feb 17, 2025
Monday Feb 17, 2025
It feels absolutely wonderful to be back and diving right into the flow again!
Personal freedom is a choice—and it is so very possible. It’s not something we can ever truly find outside ourselves, in others or things—it always comes back to us. Over the past few months, I’ve been learning so much, and this one concept stands out as incredibly transformative. It requires deep personal exploration, but trust me, it’s worth every moment. In the end, it always comes back to us!
In today’s episode, I’m sharing a little update on my journey, what I’ve been discovering about personal freedom, and I’m introducing something new—each month, I’ll be diving into a book that truly resonates with me. This month’s pick is The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz.
December’s book was The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success by Deepak Chopra.
So, what are the Four Agreements? Tune in, and you might find them as simple yet profound as I did—especially since I’ve realized how often we humans tend to complicate things that are, in essence, so simple.
And here’s the cherry on top: I’m also adding something I’m incredibly excited about! Each month, I’ll spotlight a different crystal—sharing its qualities and how it can support you, just as they’ve supported me for so long.
As always, I love you, and I’ll “see” you soon.
With light,Renee Dawn
Feel free to reach out anytime at

Monday Dec 16, 2024
Monday Dec 16, 2024
You guys. I'm officially 41! Can you even believe it?! It feels so good and OMG did I ever learn a lot this past year.
In this episode I chat about some of the biggest things I've learned and what is true to my heart right now. I've had to allow myself to change and as hard as it was, it feels so good to be made new.
I hope in sharing my challenges that it may shed some light for you and your path.
I also just wanted to say thank you from the bottom of my heart to all of you for being here.
SO, happy listening and I wish you the ABSOLUTE BEST in 2025.
Use the code RENEE41 for $41 off any of my services the rest of this year and 2025, my thanks to you!
I love you always,
Renee Dawn

Monday Nov 11, 2024
Monday Nov 11, 2024
I know. It sounds dramatic right?
Listen for yourself to hear what happened in my near death experience. Life changing would be an understatement.
I also chat about my bambi legs in my journey with feminism that really feels like it only started a few years ago. In reality, I know that I've been preparing for it my entire life. I still have so much to learn & at times it's a very intense but hopeful experience.
You all know Iove you and if you don't, you do now.
Love you,
Renee Dawn
Reach out anytime :
Follow me on Instagram

Thursday Nov 07, 2024
Thursday Nov 07, 2024
Let's be real you guys. Things may seem a little crazy right now in the world but I promise you it's not all doom and gloom and there is SO much we can do to empower ourselves amoungst the chaos - right now.
In this episode I invite you to ground yourself in the beauty of authenticity.
Join me as we explore the journey of living as the highest version of yourself—one rooted in self-love, courage, and the beautiful magic that you are.
We’ll discuss the importance of slowing down, finding moments of stillness, and listening to that quiet inner voice that knows what’s best for you. This conversation serves as a gentle reminder that in honoring your truth, you unlock a life of profound meaning and fulfillment.
Reach out anytime :
Follow me on Instagram

Wednesday Oct 23, 2024
Wednesday Oct 23, 2024
If you want change you have to be willing to confront your own limitations. We spend so much of our lives in shallow waters and I think we're all craving the depths. At least I am.
Join me on my discussion about control, letting go, being scared of the unknown because it's unknown. But all of this to say and to remind you that we are warriors and we do hard things. Not we can, we just do.
As always, I love you all and thanks for being here.
Reach out even if you're hesitating :
Book a quick chat with me
Follow me on Instagram
Until next time,
Renee Dawn

Sunday Oct 06, 2024
Sunday Oct 06, 2024
Because we need to.
This one's for you Jamie.
You taught me so much and I didn't even get to meet you.
I love you.
Click here to book a quick call with me.

Tuesday Oct 01, 2024
Tuesday Oct 01, 2024
How else could I describe this last year but transformational! It's been an absolute WILD journey and one I did not expect.
This Podcast has been such a beautiful creative outlet. It's also healed parts of me I didn't know needed to be healed. It's brought me humans I'll be friends with for life and converstations that have brought people together.
I'm grateful for it and I'm grateful for you.
Thanks for being here.
In this episode I talk about all of the feels of what this last year has brought me so I hope you'll join me in listening.
I love you all.
Renee Dawn
Click here if you want to chat

Wednesday Sep 11, 2024
Wednesday Sep 11, 2024
You guys, can you believe that it's almost been ONE YEAR since the launch of my podcast?! I cannot. Honestly, what a wild ride but I'm SO happy I kept on going and you're all still here with me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
In this episode I talk about the feels of coming up to one year, the new person I've become and I open up about the beauty of slowing down and observing life, instead of rushing to react. Leading with love is a new way for me and navigating life from a place of the heart has been scary yet deeply rewarding for me.
We'll dive into the challenges of change, the discomfort that it brings, and the reminder that it's all part of our growth. Seasons come and go and with every ending comes a new beginning.
No matter what you're going through remember that this too shall pass.
I love you,
Renee Dawn
Click here to book a little chat together
Follow me on Instagram

Friday Aug 23, 2024
Friday Aug 23, 2024
And I'm going to be real with you. The invisible effects of destructive relationship left me believing & living otherwise and I had no idea. Until recently.
When we flip the narrative that we've been putting on others for what feels like a long time back onto ourselves, the reality is brutal, heartbreaking and sad.
I have greived, I have been angry and I have been vulnerable and I feel exposed. But for the first time ever, I'm ok with feeling this way. Because I feel alive. My heart is beating again.
And oh to have a heart, for it is the only thing that really matters - to me.
We go for a little ride down a few different roads in this episode. Grab a tea and let's get going.
Renee Dawn
Let's set up a call to chat
Reach out :
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